
International Divinity Day

The Last Thursday in September

DATE: Thursday, September 28, 2023, 1 pm

LOCATION: 75 S Broadway, White Plains, NY 10601

About International Divinity Day

International Divinity Day is a multi-religious and global celebration of any and every human soul seeking to commune with their Creator. In any language, culture, religion, and expression of human imagination, International Divinity Day is a statement for all people. We recognize the spiritual life of every human being. The spiritual life of a person is an ancillary expression of the Self. It is foundational to human fulfillment, peace within each person and among persons, and quintessential for the existential manifestation of an individual’s sense of personal meaning on this planet.

International Divinity Day advocates for an individual’s right to exercise religious freedom. Civil society’s investment in promoting this inalienable right of all persons will foster a nation’s spiritual development, promote diversity and protect religious pluralism. This is just as crucial to meet this basic human need as it is to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations by 2030. International Divinity Day is a testimony of the divine in each one of us, of peace education and working to see peace across lands torn asunder by conflict, of meeting the challenges of climate change as each one of us is called, according to every religious tradition on our planet, to be faithful stewards of our celestial home.

International Divinity Day honors the intrapersonal search as every member of the human family sojourns to understand and find comfort in the mystery of God, if their religious or spiritual traditions encourage this, or in their individual expression of being as their ultimate expression of life, meaning, and moral responsibility. In this light, it is a witness to the forging of peace among all members of the human family in the name of God – beyond any language, ethnicity, race, social class, gender, theology, prayer life, devotional life, ritual, and context. It is a humbling embrace of peace, joy, and mystery.

International Divinity Day encourages multi-religious dialogue. Through this rich and necessary conversation, ignorance is irrevocably refuted. The concerted efforts of this initiative endeavor to foster global support for prevention and reduction of religiously and racially motivated violence – such as violent extremism, hate crime, and terrorism, through authentic engagement, education, partnerships, scholarly work, and practice. These are non-negotiable goals for every individual to promote and work toward in their personal lives, communities, regions, and nations. We invite all to join in this beautiful and sublime day of reflection, prayer, worship, contemplation, community, service, culture, identity, dialogue, life, the ultimate ground of all beings, and the Holy.

We welcome constructive, positive feedback and questions related to International Divinity Day. If you have questions, contributions, ideas, suggestions, or recommendations, please contact us.

The idea to initiate the International Divinity Day was conceived on Thursday, November 3, 2016 during the Pray for Peace event at the 3rd Annual International Conference on Ethnic and Religious Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding held at the Interchurch Center, 475 Riverside Drive, New York, NY 10115, United States. The theme of the conference was: One God in Three Faiths: Exploring the Shared Values in the Abrahamic Religious Traditions — Judaism, Christianity and Islam. To learn more about this topic, read the  journal publication that the conference inspired.

I Need You To Survive