Happy New Year from the International Center for Ethno-Religious Mediation

ICERMediation 2017 Conference

Happy New Year from the International Center for Ethno-Religious Mediation (ICERM)!

May peace reign in our lives, families, workplaces, schools, houses of prayer, and countries! 

Fostering a culture of peace among, between and within ethnic and religious groups is at the center of our mission. In 2018, we facilitated four ethno-religious mediation training sessions in Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. We thank and congratulate again our certified ethno-religious mediators

Also, our 5th Annual International Conference on Ethnic and Religious Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding held from October 30 to November 1, 2018 at Queens College, City University of New York, was an outstanding event. We thank our participants and presenters from many universities and institutions around the world.

As a New York based 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization in special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), ICERM strives to be an emerging center of excellence for ethnic and religious conflict resolution and peacebuilding. By identifying ethnic and religious conflict prevention and resolution needs, and bringing together a wealth of resources, including mediation and dialogue programs, we support sustainable peace in countries around the world.

In 2019, we will continue to provide a platform for ethnic and religious conflict resolution and peacebuilding and lead academic inquiries and policy deliberations to enhance our understanding of these issues. 

As you prepare to take your New Year resolution(s), think of how you can contribute to the resolution and prevention of ethnic, racial, tribal, religious or sectarian conflicts in your state and country. We are here to support your conflict resolution and peacebuilding initiatives. 

We offer ethno-religious mediation training in Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. At the end of the training, you will be certified and empowered to mediate ethnic, racial, tribal, religious or sectarian conflicts as a professional. 

We also provide a space for dialogue through our annual international conference for academics, researchers, policymakers, practitioners, and students to discuss emerging topics in the field of ethnic and religious conflict resolution and peacebuilding. For our 2019 conference, university scholars, researchers, policy makers, think tanks, and the business community are invited to submit abstracts and / or full papers of their quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods research that directly or indirectly address any topic that explores whether there is a correlation between ethno-religious conflict or violence and economic growth as well as the direction of the correlation. 

The conference proceedings will be peer-reviewed and accepted papers will be considered for publication in the Journal of Living Together

Once again, Happy New Year! We look forward to meeting you in 2019.

With peace and blessings,

Basil Ugorji
President and CEO
ICERM, International Center for Ethno-Religious Mediation 

ICERMediation 2018 Conference

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Conversion to Islam and Ethnic Nationalism in Malaysia

This paper is a segment of a larger research project that focuses on the rise of ethnic Malay nationalism and supremacy in Malaysia. While the rise of ethnic Malay nationalism can be attributed to various factors, this paper specifically focuses on the Islamic conversion law in Malaysia and whether or not it has reinforced the sentiment of ethnic Malay supremacy. Malaysia is a multi-ethnic and multi-religious country which gained its independence in 1957 from the British. The Malays being the largest ethnic group have always regarded the religion of Islam as part and parcel of their identity which separates them from other ethnic groups that were brought into the country during British colonial rule. While Islam is the official religion, the Constitution allows other religions to be practiced peacefully by non-Malay Malaysians, namely the ethnic Chinese and Indians. However, the Islamic law that governs Muslim marriages in Malaysia has mandated that non-Muslims must convert to Islam should they wish to marry Muslims. In this paper, I argue that the Islamic conversion law has been used as a tool to strengthen the sentiment of ethnic Malay nationalism in Malaysia. Preliminary data were collected based on interviews with Malay Muslims who are married to non-Malays. The results have shown that majority of Malay interviewees consider conversion to Islam as imperative as required by the Islamic religion and the state law. In addition, they also see no reason why non-Malays would object to converting to Islam, as upon marriage, the children will automatically be considered Malays as per the Constitution, which also comes with status and privileges. Views of non-Malays who have converted to Islam were based on secondary interviews that have been conducted by other scholars. As being a Muslim is associated with being a Malay, many non-Malays that converted feel robbed of their sense of religious and ethnic identity, and feel pressured to embrace the ethnic Malay culture. While changing the conversion law might be difficult, open interfaith dialogues in schools and in public sectors might be the first step to tackle this problem.
