Journal of Living Together (JLT) Peer Review Process

Journal of Living Together

2018 Conference Proceedings – Journal of Living Together (JLT) Peer Review Process

December 12, 2018

It’s been a month since the completion of our 5th Annual International Conference on Ethnic and Religious Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding at Queens College, City University of New York. I thank you again for choosing our conference to present your research finding(s). 

I took some weeks off after the conference. I’m back to work and would like to send you information about the Journal of Living Together (JLT) peer-review process for those interested in submitting their revised papers for publication consideration. 

If you would like to have your conference paper peer-reviewed and considered for publication in the Journal of Living Together (JLT), please complete the following steps:

1) Paper Revision and Re-Submission (Deadline: January 31, 2019)

You have until January 31, 2019 to revise your paper and re-submit it for inclusion in the Journal of Living Together (JLT) peer-review. You may have received a feedback, suggestions, or critiques during your presentation at the conference. Or you may have noticed some gaps, inconsistencies, or things that you would like to improve on in your paper. This is the time to do so. 

For your paper to be included in the peer-review and eventually published in our journal, it must adhere to the APA formatting and style. We know that not every scholar or author is trained in APA writing style. For this reason, you are invited to check out the following resources to help you revise your paper in APA formatting and style. 

A) APA (6th ed.) — Formatting and Style
B) APA Sample Papers
C) Video on APA Format Citations – Sixth (6th) Edition 

Once your paper is revised, proofread, and errors are corrected, please send it to . Please indicate “2019 Journal of Living Together” in the subject line.

2) Journal of Living Together (JLT) – Publishing Timeline

February 18 – June 18, 2019: Revised Papers will be assigned to peer-reviewers, reviewed, and authors will receive updates on the status of their papers.

June 18 – July 18, 2019: Final revision of papers and re-submission by authors if recommended. A paper accepted as is will move to the copyediting stage.

July 18 – August 18, 2019: Copyediting by the Journal of Living Together (JLT) publishing team.

August 18 – September 18, 2019: Completion of the publishing process for the 2019 issue and notification sent to contributing authors. 

I look forward to working with you and our publishing team.

With peace and blessings,
Basil Ugorji

President and CEO, International Center for Ethno-Religious Mediation, New York


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