बहु-जातीय र धार्मिक राज्यहरूमा शान्ति र सुरक्षा सुनिश्चित गर्न कूटनीति, विकास र रक्षाको भूमिका: नाइजेरियाको एक केस स्टडी

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxZ6E-U1pV4 Abstract It is a highly researched and well documented fact that power and authority have their domains in the public sphere and governments. Groups…

बहु-जातीय र धार्मिक समाजहरूमा शान्ति र सुरक्षाको सम्भावना: नाइजेरियामा पुरानो ओयो साम्राज्यको एक केस स्टडी

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkunrxdGyPk Abstract                             Violence has become a major denomination in global affairs. Hardly does a day go by without news of terrorist activities, wars, kidnappings, ethnic,…