What We Do

What We Do

ICERMediation What We Do

We resolve ethnic and religious conflicts as well as other types of group identity conflict, including racial, sectarian, tribal, and caste or culture based conflicts. We bring innovation and creativity to the field of alternative dispute resolution.

ICERMediation develops alternative methods of preventing and resolving ethnic, racial, and religious conflicts, and promotes a culture of peace in countries around the world through five programs: research, education and training, expert consultation, dialogue and mediation, and rapid response projects.

The purpose of the research department is to coordinate interdisciplinary research on ethnic, racial, and religious conflicts and conflict resolution in countries around the world. Examples of the department’s work include the publication of:

In the future, the research department intends to create and maintain online databases of world ethnic, racial and religious groups, interfaith dialogue and mediation organizations, centers for ethnic and/or religious studies, diaspora associations, and institutions working on the resolution, management or prevention of ethnic, racial and religious conflicts.

Database of Ethnic, Racial and Religious Groups

The database of ethnic, racial and religious groups, for example, will highlight current and historical zones, trends and nature of conflicts, as well as provide information on conflict prevention, management and resolution models previously used, and the limitations of those models. The program will also provide a guideline for a timely and successful intervention, as well as awareness to the general public.

In addition, the database will facilitate partnership efforts with the leaders and/or representatives of these groups and help in the execution of the organization’s mandate. When fully developed, the database will also serve as a statistical tool for the accessibility of relevant information on zones and nature of conflicts, and provide guideline and support for ICERMediation’s programs and services.

The database will also include historical links between these groups. Most importantly, it will help users understand the historical manifestations of ethnic, racial, and religious conflicts with a focus on the groups involved, the origins, causes, consequences, actors, forms and places of occurrence of these conflicts. Through this database, trends for future development will be detected and defined, facilitating adequate intervention.

“Directories” of all the major conflict resolution institutions, interfaith dialogue groups, mediation organizations, and centers for ethnic, racial, and/or religious studies

There are thousands of conflict resolution institutions, interfaith dialogue groups, mediation organizations, and centers for ethnic, racial and/or religious studies active in many countries. For lack of exposure, however, these institutions, groups, organizations and centers have remained unknown for centuries. It is our goal to bring them to the public eye, and to help in coordinating their activities thereby contributing to the promotion of a culture of peace among, between and within ethnic, racial, and religious groups around the world.

Pursuant to ICERMediation’s mandate, to “coordinate the activities of and assist existing institutions concerned with ethno-religious conflict resolution in countries around the world,” it is of paramount importance that ICERMediation establishes “Directories” of all the major conflict resolution institutions, interfaith dialogue groups, mediation organizations, and centers for ethnic, racial, and/or religious studies in countries around the world. Having these directories will facilitate partnership efforts and help in the execution of the organization’s mandate.

Directory of Diaspora Associations 

There are many ethnic group associations in New York State and across the United States. Similarly, religious or faith groups from many countries in the world have religious or faith-based organizations in the United States.

Pursuant to ICERMediation’s mandate, to “nurture and promote a dynamic synergy among diaspora associations and organizations in New York State and in the United States in general, for a proactive ethno-religious conflict resolution in countries around the world,” it is of paramount importance that ICERMediation establishes a “Directory” of all the major diaspora associations in the United States. Having a list of these diaspora associations will facilitate partnership efforts with the leaders and/or representatives of these groups and help in the execution of the organization’s mandate.

The objective of the education and training department is to create awareness, educate people about ethnic, racial, and religious conflicts in countries around the world, and equip participants with conflict resolution skills such as mediation, group facilitation, and systems design.

The education and training department coordinates the following projects and campaigns:

In the future, the department hopes to initiate fellows and international exchange programs, as well as expand its peace education to sports and the arts. 

Peace Education

Peace education is a constructive and non-controversial way to enter into the community, to gain cooperation and to help students, teachers, school principals, directors or headmasters, parents, community leaders, etc., to begin reflecting on the possibility of peace in their communities.

The department hopes to initiate peace education programs to help participants engage in interethnic, interracial, and interreligious dialogue and understanding. 

Sports and the Arts

Many students actively engage in journalism, sports, poetry, and music or in other forms of arts and literature in their schools. For this reason, some of them would be interested in promoting a culture peace and mutual understanding through the power of writing and music. They can thus contribute to peace education by writing on the effects of mediation and dialogue, and subsequently submit them for publication.

Through this peace education program, the hidden problems of the country, the frustrations of the ethnic, racial, and religious groups or individual citizens and the injured are revealed and made known.

While engaging young people in artistic activities and sports for peace, ICERMediation hopes to stimulate connections and mutual understanding. 

The expert consultation department helps formal and informal leadership, local, regional and international organizations, as well as other interested agencies to identify potential ethnic, racial, and religious conflicts and threats to peace and security in a timely manner.

ICERMediation proposes appropriate response mechanisms for immediate action in order to manage the conflicts, prevent violence or reduce the risk of escalation.

The department also assesses the probability, progression, impact, and intensity of conflict, as well as reviews early warning systems. Existing preventive and response mechanisms are also reviewed by the department to determine whether they are achieving their objectives.

Below are examples of the services provided by the department. 

Advisement & Consultation

The department provides professional, impartial advisement and consultation services to formal and informal leadership, local, regional and international organizations, as well as other interested agencies, in the areas of tribal, ethnic, racial, religious, sectarian, community, and cultural conflict prevention and resolution.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanism (MEM) is an important tool used by ICERMediation to review intervention mechanisms in order to determine whether they are achieving their intended goals. This mechanism also involves analysis of the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of response strategies. The department also assesses the impact of systems, policies, programs, practices, partnerships and procedures in order to understand their strengths and weaknesses.

As a leader in monitoring, conflict analysis and resolution, ICERMediation helps its partners and clients to understand changes in the environment that could affect peace and stability. We help our partners and clients to learn from past mistakes and become effective.   

Post-conflict Assessment and Reporting

In conformity with its core values, ICERMediation conducts independent, unbiased, fair, impartial, non-discriminatory and professional investigations, assessment and reporting in post-conflict areas. 

We accept an invitation from national governments, international, regional, or national organizations, as well as other partners and clients.

Election Observation & Assistance

Since the electoral process in highly divided countries often breed ethnic, racial, or religious conflicts, ICERMediation is engaged in election observation and assistance.

Through its election observation and assistance activities, ICERMediation promotes transparency, democracy, human rights, minority rights, the rule of law, and equal participation. The goal is to prevent electoral malpractice, exclusion or discrimination of some groups in the electoral process, and violence.

The organization assesses the conduct of an election process on the basis of national legislation, international standards, and following the principles of fairness and peace.

Contact us if you need expert consultation and advisement.

The dialogue and mediation department seeks to develop healthy, cooperative, constructive and positive interaction between and among peoples of different ethnicities, races, castes, religious traditions, and/or spiritual or humanistic beliefs, at both the individual and institutional levels. This involves developing social links or connections to increase mutual understanding.

The department also assists the parties in conflict to reach a mutually satisfactory solution through unbiased, culturally sensitive, confidential, regionally costed and expeditious mediation processes.

Below are a few examples of our dialogue projects.

In addition, ICERMediation offers the following professional mediation services: 

Inter-Ethnic Conflict Mediation (tailored to meet the needs of conflict parties from different ethnic, racial, caste, tribal or cultural groups).

Multi-Party Mediation (for conflict(s) involving multiple parties, including governments, corporations, indigenous peoples, ethnic, racial, caste, tribal, religious or faith groups, and so on). An example of a multi-party conflict is an environmental conflict between and among oil companies/extraction industries, indigenous populations, and the government. 

Interpersonal, Organizational, and Family Mediations

ICERMediation provides specialized mediation services for individuals whose conflicts are linked to tribal, ethnic, racial, caste, religious/faith, sectarian or cultural differences and nuances. The organization provides a confidential and neutral space for individuals, organizations, or families to have a conversation and settle their disputes peacefully.

We help our clients resolve different kinds of conflict. Whether it is a dispute involving neighbors, tenants and landlords, married or unmarried couples, family members, acquaintances, strangers, employers and employees, business colleagues, clients,  companies, organizations, or a conflict within the diaspora associations, immigrant communities, schools, organizations, government agencies, etc., ICERMediation will provide you with specialized and competent mediators who will help you settle your disputes or resolve your conflicts peacefully at a low cost to you and in a timely manner.

With the support of an impartial but culturally conscious group of mediators, ICERMediation provides individuals, organizations, and families with a safe space to engage in honest conversation. Individuals, organizations, and families are welcomed to use our space and mediators to resolve their conflicts, settle disputes or disagreements, or discuss general issues of concern with the goal of achieving mutual understanding and, if possible, rebuilding relationship.

Contact us today if you need our mediation services.

ICERMediation provides humanitarian support through the department of Rapid Response Projects. Rapid Response Projects are small-scale projects, of benefit to the victims of tribal, ethnic, racial, caste, religious, and sectarian violence or persecution.

The purpose of the Rapid Response Projects is to provide moral, material, and financial support to the victims of tribal, ethnic, racial, caste, religious and sectarian conflicts and their immediate families.

In the past, ICERMediation facilitated Emergency Assistance to Support Survivors of Religious Persecution and Defenders of Religious Freedom and Belief. Through this project, we helped to provide emergency assistance to persons who were targeted on account of their religious belief, non-belief, and religious practice, and those who were working to defend religious freedom. 

In addition, ICERMediation gives Honorary Awards in recognition of the excellent work of individuals and organizations in the areas of ethnic, racial, caste, and religious conflict prevention, management and resolution.

Help us provide moral, material and financial support to the victims of tribal, ethnic, racial, caste, religious and sectarian conflicts and their immediate families. Donate Now or Contact Us to discuss a partnership opportunity. 

Where We Work

Promoting Peace

ICERMediation’s work is global. This is because no country or region is immune to identity or intergroup conflict.